Teacher Competence, Elementary School 43 Rawag Timur, Padang Selatan DistrictAbstract
This study aims to describe the quality of teachers at SDN 43 Rawang Timur, Padang Selatan District, Magelang Regency and the efforts made as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors in an effort to improve teacher quality. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted in two local schools, namely SDN 43 Rawang Timur and SDN 43 Rawang Timur. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used was an interactive model with the concept of Milles and Hubberman (data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing). Test the validity of the data using source and technical triangulation. The results showed that (1) the quality of teachers at SDN 43 Rawang Timur, Padang Selatan District was seen from four competency standards, namely pedagogic, personality, social, and professional. Pedagogic competency standards have not been met. This can be seen from the fact that teachers have not been able to utilize technology in learning, learning methods still use conventional methods, and the results of UKG carried out by the Office, the majority of the scores obtained are still low. Personality competency standards have been met. Seen in the attitude (attitude) and personality (personality). The majority of teachers' social competency standards have been good, as evidenced by the interactions that teachers make, both from inside and outside. Teachers' professional competency standards have not been maximally met. It is proven that the majority of teachers work not in accordance with their educational background, the lesson plans only copy and paste; (2) efforts made to improve the quality of elementary school teachers in Kec. South Padang includes: conducting coaching, holding various trainings, implementing KKG; (3) the inhibiting factors in improving teacher quality are minimal funding sources, low work ethic, limited sarpras, disciplinary factors. While the supporting factors are adequate human resources, high income and a comfortable and safe environment.
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